The Fine Arts Center

One of the objectives of education is to inculcate in children, the appreciation of beauty and to help them develop a sense of aesthetics. A lot of emphasis is placed on Fine Arts. Right from pre-primary to secondary school, compulsory exposure is given to art and craft. Each student is provided skilled guidance on a regular basis to develop expertise in Fine Arts. The students are exposed to a variety of materials and techniques to create meaningful works of art. Modules are taught using a variety of teaching and learning methods including lectures, workshops, participation in various competitions, exhibitions in the school and in the city, etc. for a holistic growth. This also forms a strong basis for the students who want to take up a career option in fields related to Visual Arts, like Fine Art, Architecture and various branches of Design. Students are taught about paper re-cycling to create awareness among them about re-use of resources, which is the need of the hour.